DV lottery !! Nepal is in 11 th postion - Supply Chain in Nepal

DV lottery !! Nepal is in 11 th postion

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Around more than 31 thousand of Nepalese people are went to American by getting DV lottery. DV is one of the best way for people to get the chance to work and get the PR in USA. Nepal is in 11th rank. If we see the Nepal data from 2013 to 2016 more than 3000 people getting DV per year  and rank also 1st to 3rd. We can realize when DV opened many Nepalese are applying for DV and applicant is increasing every year. Every year USA government provide the visa from DV around 50 thousand foreigner people. Normally USA government provide the maximum 7 % people of total population of country.

Year  Qnt Rank
2012 2353    2
2013 3210    2
2014 3443    3
2015 3471    1
2016 3242    2

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